

In today's class Irene explained to us what inquiry teaching was. We have come to the conclusion that it is very similar to the scientific method. Then we had to carry out a group work, it consisted of a mental map of the document that he ordered us to read last week.


In today's class we have started exposing, my group, the project that we have carried out during all this time. Finally we did it about the use of plastics in Spanish supermarkets. The structure of the work was as follows: - Talk about supermarkets in Spain - Talk about supermarkets in other countries - Talk about possible changes within supermarkets in Spain Then we have had a small debate. To do this, we asked our colleagues to participate by giving their opinion, indicating whether they thought that at any time the total disappearance of plastic in supermarkets would be possible. Then Irene introduced us to inquiry teaching and asked us to read a document for the next day.


In today's class we have discussed the exam. Later Irene asked us to make a report that contains a comment about the different difficulties we have had, the facilities or improvements and the objectives. Some of them are:  Difficulties: - We have not found as much information about changes that have taken place in other countries as we expected. Good things: - The organization of the project has been quite good: the planning prior to starting the project has been successfully completed and we have even gone ahead. Objectives: - The project has followed the line of the objectives set before starting the work, so it can be said that they have been met. Also we must include our Instagram´s publications and their statistics.  At the end of the class we make a test on Socrative´s App


In today's class we have continued with the topic of "Ecosystems" Today we have seen the concept of the food chain and its importance. We have seen a video that we have later commented all together. Afterwards, at Acadly we held a conversation related to biodiversity and human viruses (related with the video) Finally, Irene sent us an activity task that I had a hard time assimilating and understanding. The activity consisted of trying to form a food chain in a virtual simulator with the objective that no living being would die.  Despite the fact that as I said previously it cost me a lot, I think I did it.


In today's class we have started with the topic of "Ecosystems" We have seen some important concepts such as photosynthesis, which is a chemical process that takes place in plants with chlorophyll and that allows solar energy to transform inorganic substrate into organic matter rich in energy. Before all this, we have checked a test that Irene sent us in the previous class related to topic four related to sustainability.


In today's class, each of us made a comment about the documentary seen before. It has marked me a lot because it shows in a very real way how the planet is, and more specifically the ocean today. We are inadvertently taking over the planet, our home. Then we had a small debate dividing the class in two, commenting on points for and against using plastics and how they affect the environment.  Finally we have put ourselves on the opposite side to the one we had chosen to comment on the different responses of the colleagues.